.WhosWho is proud to be working with Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH (knipp.de), one of the most experienced and trusted telecommunications powerhouses, as our Registry Services Provider. Knipp brings to Who's Who Registry's Accredited Registrars their sizzlingly sleek yet smoldering TANGO management interface, which ensures the collective success of Registry and Registrars in delivering exceptional service to Registrants across the globe. WhosWho values our upgrade to Knipp, and appreciates having them as our partner. You will too.

Once the Registry-Registrar Agreement has been signed, Registrars will be able to use their existing Knipp systems to on-board with .WhosWho. For those Registrars without existing business relationships with Knipp, Who’s Who Registry is pleased to expedite the process. And, due to .whoswho's post-paid arrangements, there is no need to maintain any sort of pre-paid balance on account, keeping Registrars money in their own pockets, where it belongs.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
Who’s Who Registry is pleased to be participating in this exciting new era on the Internet with our participation, at the domain name level, in the current launch of support for IDNs online. At the time of our launch, we were pleased to offer within the .whoswho TLD domains in the German, Portuguese, Spanish, and simplified and traditional Chinese characters, in addition to ASCII letters and numerals. We have since added offerings in French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Russian. Links to the .WhosWho IDN tables may be found at the following link: http://www.iana.org/domains/idn-tables.

Registrar Technical Assistance
As part of the support-services that Knipp is providing to Who’s Who Registry, Knipp's TANGO system provides assistance to Registrars during both the onboarding/setup and production phases, as well as featuring an online testing environment (OTE) in TANGO. All of which is reassuring to .whoswho Registrars, that all parties to .whoswho transactions can come out a winner at the close of each transaction.

Additional information
We invite you to check back from time to time for supplemental information.